Special Appearances by:
Lindsay Wagner, Robert Shields, Benson Lanford, Robert Liu, Jamey Allen, Lois Dublin

There is a great beauty in that which comes from the Earth. There is a permanence and a deep sense of strength that has fascinated Man since the beginning of time.

He took these boulders and rocks, and cut them and shaped them. He took shells from the sea and adorned himself. And thus began a connection as old as the Earth itself.

Beads are everywhere. They are a part of our global history. They transcend culture and continent. Every society has an ancient link with beads, be it for religious, ornamental, or healing purposes.

The Bead Movement is a beautiful one hour documentary that chronicles Man's link with the oldest of artforms. Among other segments, come see how beads are made; the designers who create them; and a sense of permanence, connection and peace that beads bring.